August 03, 2008

Am avut draci inca de cand am plecat din Cluj. Abia am scos 3 cuvinte tot drumul. A plouat mai mult decat convingator. Mi-a fost frig si cald in acelasi timp. Si rau, si trist...

Toate astea au disparut cand am auzit primele acorduri din EoG.... iar apoi s-a declansat nebunia. Un playlist perfect si bucuria de pe chipurile celor din jurul meu ... Surri, Jock si Lucian, toti trei ca niste copii care si-au primit jucaria preferata.

EI mi-au cantat Fade to Black si One si Nothing Else Matters.

June 16, 2008

thoughts from others

Round here we're carving out our names
Round here we all look the same
Round here we talk just like lions
But we sacrifice like lambs

by Adam Duritz

I'm not sure if what I read last night may be tagged as 'revelation'. Following conveniences... not. But it was true and pure and coming from a man who, being who he is, is hard to reach, at least on a personal level.

ad .. living in smiles is better ... possibility days ... beginnings and endings ... and then new beginnings.

Nothing really stopped for me, I guess I'm still carrying it all wherever I go. It's not a burden. It's not a rock you can get rid of. No. It's more like a tattoo that no one seems to notice.

How do you find an ending when you're running around in circles?

May 30, 2008

thoughts to self

I'm still recovering ... dupa experienta de la Oradea. Oameni cu sufletul frumos si depeshmod de toate felurile :)

April 06, 2008

... and I'm counting the days by one, till July 23rd ... till Fade to Black & Orion & One & Last Caress & Seek & Destroy ... till Hetfield & Ulrich & Hammet & Trujillo. All together on one stage.

Oh, and by the way ... they have a line that goes like this:

"I'd rather die behind the wheel"

Ain't that peculiar?


March 31, 2008

Un fel de altfel

Săptămâna trecută m-am cadorisit cu A-HA Homecoming / Live at Vallhall 2001 direct de la Cărtureştii din Timişoara şi bine am făcut, pentru că a urmat o succesiune de căutări deloc înverşunate pe după pixeli şi... şi am aflat şi eu (duhh!) că Morten a luat-o on solo ways la un moment dat.

Here it is, "A Kind of Christmas Card"!