April 26, 2013

"label me, honey"

Cel mai greu e să știi că ești greșeala cuiva. Nimeni nu ar trebui să trăiască în umilința asta.

April 15, 2013


There was this game I used to play when I was 5 or 6. Whenever I came across something I didn’t like or scared me I’d repeat that word over and over and over again until it got completely meaningless and lost its force and couldn’t hold me down. It was a stupid game but it worked most of the time. Or so I remember. Some sort of customized mantra…

I found myself doing it again the other day. Trying to decompose something and make it go away.


Only this time it’s not working. I hate doctors who drop the bomb and then tell you “but dooon’t panic, let’s run some more tests first!”. With a smile on their face.

Am I scared? Yes. Terrified.